
Feature Name Description Form1 Stat2 Text3
skill_type Skill Category Broad category of a classified skill response. Derivation
skill_value Skill Title ESCO classification for skill free-text or drop down response. Derivation
locale CV Language Language used to write CV. Derivation
country Country Country of residence. Derivation
birth_year Birth Year Year of birth. Derivation
gender Gender Female, male or missing value. Derivation
nationality Nationality Nationality. Derivation
mother_tongue Mother Tongue Native language. Derivation
headline_job Headline Job Job-related type of application. Derivation
headline_isco Headline ISCO 3 ISCO level 3 classification for job declared in the type of application. Derivation
latest_job_esco Latest Job ESCO ESCO classification for latest job declared. Derivation
latest_job_isco Latest Job ISCO 3 ISCO level 3 classification for latest job declared. Derivation
is_employed Employment Status Estimation of employment status based on recruitment and termination year. Derivation
total_work_years Total Work Years Sum of all work years. Derivation
eqf_highest EQF Highest Highest qualification reported with respect to EQF level (including ongoing). Derivation
responses Responses Number of responses with a particular combination of values for the above variables. Derivation
1 Variable derives directly from a Europass CV;
2 Variable is a statistical transformation of one or more Europass CV variables;
3 Variable is a result of information retrieval using text mining

Summary Statistics


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 0 ( 0.00% )
Number of unique values 10
* No missing values permitted.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 0 ( 0.00% )
Number of unique values 8066
* No missing values permitted.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 0 ( 0.00% )
Number of unique values 29
* SkillsPassport.Locale missing.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 51073 ( 3.93% )
Number of unique values 183
* SkillsPassport…Country.Code missing.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 488516 ( 37.63% )
Number of unique values 84
* SkillsPassport…Birthdate.Year missing.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 575778 ( 44.35% )
Number of unique values 3
* SkillsPassport…Gender.Code missing.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 618576 ( 47.65% )
Number of unique values 168
* SkillsPassport…Nationality.Code missing.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 137078 ( 10.56% )
Number of unique values 63
* Skills.Linguistic.MotherTongue.Description missing.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 799755 ( 61.60% )
Number of unique values 4
* SkillsPassport…Headline.Type.Code missing.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 874841 ( 67.39% )
Number of unique values 126
* Missing features required for estimation, or unidentifi
ed from classification algorithm.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 179741 ( 13.85% )
Number of unique values 2859
* Missing features required for estimation, or unidentifi
ed from classification algorithm.


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 179741 ( 13.85% )
Number of unique values 126
* Missing features required for estimation, or unidentifi
ed from classification algorithm.


Feature Result
Variable type logical
Number of missing values* 57792 ( 4.45% )
Number of unique values 3
* No work experience entries filled, or both WorkExperien
ce.Period.From.Year and WorkExperience.Period.To.Year m


Feature Result
Variable type numeric
Number of missing values* 85702 ( 6.60% )
Number of unique values 173
Min. 1
1st Qu. 4
Median 7
Mean 10.44
3rd Qu. 14
Max. 312
NA’s 85702
* No work experience entries filled, or both WorkExperien
ce.Period.From.Year and WorkExperience.Period.To.Year m


Feature Result
Variable type character (nominal)
Number of missing values* 353536 ( 27.23% )
Number of unique values 9
* Missing features required for estimation, or unidentifi
ed from classification algorithm.


Feature Result
Variable type integer
Number of missing values* 0 ( 0.00% )
Number of unique values 128
Min. 1
1st Qu. 1
Median 1
Mean 1.06
3rd Qu. 1
Max. 601
* No missing values permitted.