Entrepreneurship Competence


The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) defines a specific set of competences associated with entrepreneurship. Using a given set of key words and phrases identifying those competences, the Europass CV free-text data related to Skills, Knowledge and Competences will be mined to acquire demographic information and statistics on the respondents who report possession of those competences.

Data processing

Data acquired in the Europass Survey has been cleansed, stratified, and used to extract information in previous steps of the analysis. The CVs’ free-text data reporting Skills, Knowledge and Competences will be further processed to carry out a frequency analysis of the keywords associated with Entrepreneurship competences. This will in turn drive a demographic analysis for the respondents reporting entrepreneurship-related competences.

English-language CV data

Entries of the Communication, Computer, JobRelated and Organisational skill categories have been defined as the text corpus that will be investigated. Each CV is considered a single document, composed of all entries the respective respondent included. This analysis is limited to English-language data.

  • A total of 353.5K CVs were analyzed.
  • Of those, 69.3K are in English.
  • 58.3K respondents writing in English have declared at least one skill in the Communication, Computer, JobRelated and Organisational categories.

  • Each document (ie. all relevant skill-related entries of a CV) has been tokenized with common stop words (eg. to, by, in) removed.
  • Vectors of single words (unigrams) and word pairs (bigrams) associated with each document have promptly been determined.

Keywords associated with Entrepreneurship

The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework defines a list of sub-competences associated with entrepreneurship. A list of key words and phrases related to each one of these sub-competences has been compiled and a case is made that inclusion of these words and phrases on CVs identifies a respondent that possesses the respective sub-competence.

Sub-competence Keywords
entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial
creativity Creativity, creative, create, creating
idea-to-action Idea-to-action
sustainability Sustainability
financial literacy Financial literacy
self-awareness Self-awareness, self-efficacy
work under pressure Work under pressure, working under pressure
negotiation Negotiate, negotiating
leadership Leadership, leader
initiative Initiative, initiate, initiating
planning Planning, plan
management Management, manage, managing
risk taking Take risk, taking risk, manage risk, managing risk, risk management
learning by doing Learning by doing, action learning
teamwork Teamwork, team work, teamworking, working in team
  • Similar to the CV corpus, the key words and phrases are processed to once again remove common words that encode minimal information.
  • The end-result is a list of single words and word pairs meant to be cross-referenced with the CV data.

Cross-referencing the CV corpus with keywords

The key strategy in identifying CVs marked with entrepreneurship competences is to investigate inclusion of the defined set of key words and phrases in the CV free-text data.

  • CVs including any one key word or phrase are initially identified.
  • Following that, the frequency of the specific words and phrases appearing in them is determined.

  • Next, using data derived from previous analysis in the Europass Survey, four key data sets can be composed.
  • Those data sets drive the visualizations and analysis that follows.

Resulting data sets

Data has been aggregated and compiled into .CSV format. It can be downloaded for further analysis. Specifically, the resulting data sets are:

  • A frequency table of the key words and phrases associated with entrepreneurship competences. It describes the number of appearances of each key word or phrase in the entire corpus of all CVs.


  • A frequency table of the specific entrepreneurship sub-competences. It describes the number of CVs identified with each specific sub-competence.


  • Demographic data of respondents identified with at least one entrepreneurship sub-competence. It includes the birth year, sex and EQF level of the CVs of those respondents.


  • A frequency table of the skills of the respondents identified with at least one entrepreneurship sub-competence. It includes the ESCO classification of the Skills/competences included in the Communication, Computer, Job Related, and Organisational skill categories.


Analysis results

Number of keywords included per CV

  • 34.5K CVs contain at least one mention of at least one of the keywords associated with entrepreneurship competences.
  • This number represents 50% of the total CVs written in English.

Appearances of each keyword in the whole corpus

  • The most popular key words and phrases in the whole sample are showcased above. Number represents total appearances of the keyword in the entire corpus of all CVs.
  • Note that a keyword may appear multiple times in a single CV.
  • Keywords management and leadership occupy the top spots.
  • All keywords given appear at least once, except for action learning.

Number of CVs posessing each sub-competence

  • The most popular sub-subcompetences are showcased above. Number represents the total number of CVs posessing each sub-competence.
  • Posession of a sub-competence is marked by the presence of at least one mention of at least one of the keywords related to it. One CV may include multiple keywords related to a sub-competence.
  • 25% of English CVs include keywords related to the management sub-competence. 23% include keywords related to leadership.
  • Creativity is the sub-competence displaying the greatest variety in wording. Different keywords related to it are close in frequency.

Age distribution

  • The mean age of respondents using keywords associated with competence in Entrepreneurship is 28.2.
  • Of those respondents, 38% are under 30 years old.

Gender breakdown

  • Compared to the total breakdown of respondents in the Europass Survey, those mentioning keywords related to Entrepreneurship are slightly more likely to be male.
  • The percentage of respondents who did not declare their gender is similar to the one in the general pool of respondents.

EQF level distribution

  • The education level of respondents was mapped to the standardized EQF levels in previous steps of the analysis.
  • Users reporting Entrepreneurship competences have a higher level of education on average compared to the general pool of users.
  • More specifically, approximately 37% have received post-graduate education (Levels 7-8), compared to 20% of all Europass Survey respondents.

What’s next?

  • An expansion of the list of relevant words and phrases could lead to more precise identification of the respondents acquiring entrepreneurship competences.
  • Using translated or localised versions of these key words could expand the analysis to also include languages other than English.
  • A more detailed drill-down to the specific sub-competences based on the identified concepts could yield more interesting results.
  • Identifying the association rules between entrepreneurship competences and the demographic features of the respondents could also help produce more conclusions.


  • BACIGALUPO Margherita, KAMPYLIS Panagiotis, PUNIE Yves, VAN DEN BRANDE Lieve. 2016. “EntreComp: The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework.” Publications Office of the European Union. doi: 10.2791/593884
  • Cedefop. 2020. “Europass CV Insights Report: July - September 2019.” Report

June - September 2019