Supplementary data and material in relation to Cedefop’s Policy brief:


“Exploring the potential of online CV data for labour market intelligence

The case of Europass”

Summary of outputs

Europass CV voluntary survey (June-September 2019)

Europass’ users survey is one of the largest survey of people who build their curriculum vitae worldwide. The data collection was run from 15th of June 2019 till the end of September 2019. Survey resulted in nearly 400,000 users, who committed their CV for statistical analysis. Precisely, 392,812 unique CVs were gathered, among which 353,518 qualified for analytical purposes based on the degree of their completion.


Entrepreneurship Competence: June - September 2019

The Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp) defines a specific set of competences associated with entrepreneurship. Using a given set of key words and phrases identifying those competences, the Europass CV free-text data related to Skills, Knowledge and Competences will be mined to acquire demographic information and statistics on the respondents who report possession of those competences.

Awareness of the European Qualifications Framework within Europass users

The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) has been introduced as a common reference framework for communicating the equivalence of the different countries’ qualifications across Europe. It defines eight levels of education, from primary (at Level 1) to doctoral (at Level 8). The Europass CV online editor gives users the option to include their EQF level on their CV either by selecting it via a drop-down menu or by writing free text that describes it or an equivalent national qualification.

Occupations analysis, trends and correlations report (HTML)

Using naturally occurring labour market data aggregated from over 10M Europass CVs, the report presents insights into:

·        disappearing and newly emerging occupations;

·        changing skill requirements for jobs positions;

·        usual career paths;

·        skills-to-occupations association in the ESCO model compared to the collected CV data.


Cross-checking with official statistics report (HTML)

Presents associations and cross-references of the aggregated Europass CV data with other data sources and official statistics (Eurostat’s European Union Labour force survey and Cedefop’s online job vacancy data).


Europass CV skills analysis report (HTML)

Presents an analysis of the skill groups defined in the new ESCO (v1.0.5 and 1.0.8) hierarchy, including an analysis of skills by occupations and the distribution of skills of NEETs.



A set of standardised codebooks was produced for the needs of the study:

·        demographics – provides insights into the demographic distribution of Europass CVs using 18 features (e.g. gender, nationality, work years);

·        occupations – describes aggregate job-related statistics based on the Europass CV database using 14 features (e.g. ESCO job title, preceding work years);

·        skills/competences provides insights into the skills and competences appearing in the Europass CVs using 14 features (e.g. skill type, age group);

·        career paths – provides insights into career paths identified in the Europass CV database using 16 features (e.g. recruitment year, termination year).


Exploratory data tool

An online tool that allows researchers to explore the study’s data sets by applying custom queries, visualising and exporting the data.


labourR library

An R library for the classification of multilingual text used in occupation titles. It allows the user to map multilingual free text of occupations to a broad range of standardised classifications.

educationR library

A new R library for the classification of multilingual text used in qualification titles was published in CRAN and Github (complementing the existing labour library).

iscoCrosswalks library

Methods and classes for crosswalks between the ESCO, O*NET and Canadian NOC classifications of occupations.


Reports (Final report, publication, policy brief)

Reports (Final report, publication, policy brief)